torsdag den 14. april 2011

Facts about Marijuana

Every media tells you, how bad marijuana is for you, but fact is that coffee, alcohol and nicotine are far more dangerous...

And now some claim, that the production of hemp, which contains THC (Cannabis/Marijuana) would be harmful and costly for our world/environment, even causing global warming?
(See link below)

That is too way out there, even for me, because you can build stuff out of hemp. Shirts, pants, gloves, underwear and so on. Just like cotton and leather made from skinning animals, but I don't blame sheep or cows for having a warm environment for growth, plus "expensively" getting food from us or that their "leftovers" creates natural gas, do I?

Don't buy any such arguments from people, who work for big pharma corporations, mainstream media or their supporting government officials. They only legislate simplicity, and hope, that everybody buys their "shit" instead...


Ströbele, a german lawyer and later politician with a seat in federal parlament, has his own views on hemp in Germany.

I've quit smoking weed, but am still a big nicotine whore, so I'm not selling stuff to you. On the contrary, because I love lots of beer on a saturday night out with my pack of silly male hobbits, trying to forget our midlife crisis. I even eat greasy meatball sandwiches + loads of coffee the next day, when we try to forget our misbehaving on the night out.

Or just listen to the immortal words of Bill Hicks:

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